Circus Family celebrates rainwater and Sinterklaas

Circus Family, an audiovisual design studio in Amsterdam, used Vuo to create two projects that enchanted their audiences. These are two of several projects where Circus Family used Vuo. In The Rain Project, raindrops created a display of images, light, and sound in a natural forest, and in the Hema Sintersizer, children created songs with a giant music-making machine during the Dutch children’s celebration, Sinterklaas. To learn more, about I interviewed Circus Family’s Cas Dekker.

An exhibition for BMW by jens probst

You’re an exhibitor at one of the world’s biggest auto trade shows. There are almost a million visitors, and a thousand other exhibitors competing for their attention. How do you project the suave aesthetic of a luxury car brand in a way that catches visitors’ eyes? jens probst (a.k.a. zwei-p) and Yellow Design took on the challenge by creating an elegant multi-screen display with Vuo.