Is it possible to change the opacity of a layer without converting it to an image first?

I am trying to find a way to change the opacity of a layer without converting it to an image first and then back into a layer afterwards. Any ideas on how I can do this?

The only way I can see is using “Render Layers to Image” and then following up with “Make Scaled Layer”. This seems kind of a roundabout way of doing it and I also need to know the exact dimensions of my final rendering window in pixels to keep it from causing scaling artifacts.

There’s no way currently to change the opacity on a layer after it’s been created, other than converting to image and back, as you figured out. (A Change Layer Opacity node would make a good feature request.)

A Change Layer Opacity node would make a good feature request

Yeah !
Sometimes I don’t like some of the presets each type of make layer has.
Some have opacity, some does not, some have roundness, some does not, some have name input, some has not (text layer f.e.) … etc.
Either sometimes I’d hope all layers had all options, or all layers have fewer, but have separate nodes like “adjust opacity” to be able to connect all type of make layers to all kind of effects.

I am trying to find a way to change the opacity of a layer without converting it to an image first and then back into a layer afterwards. Any ideas on how I can do this ?

Yeah depending on what kind of layer it is.
Make color layers / text layers can be set thanks to the color opacity.
If it is a make scaled layer with an image on it I guess the image alpha can be set before being pushed to the layer.
Of course, some scenarios can’t be achieved yet, combined layers, change the general opacity regardless of the child layer opacity, some other layer types etc.

What kind of scenario is yours ?

I’ve created a new feature request ( Thanks for the feedback.

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