Editor support for dictionaries (lists of key/value pairs)


This I assume is in addition to the Get Items from Dictionary and Make Dictionary nodes?

Make Dictionary can’t take Single Key inputs and apply them to lists of values. Even when one makes a list of repeating Keys, using Copy List Item Groups node you can’t load a list into the values port or the input ports of the drawer of the values port. There’s no way to do this that I can find unless there’s a node to unzip a list. Say take a list of 4D Points and flatten it into sequential elements in a list that is 4x list.length long.  

Problem making Dictionaries from lists.vuo (8.57 KB)

This I assume is in addition to the Get Items from Dictionary and Make Dictionary nodes?

Yes. The current, very limited support for dictionaries is just enough to enable a few specific nodes (Calculate, Get Tree Attributes).

The idea of this feature request is to support any key and value types and to provide basic nodes for creating, modifying, and accessing dictionaries.

Make Dictionary can’t take Single Key inputs and apply them to lists of values.

I’m not sure what you’re ultimately trying to accomplish, but maybe Magneson’s List Tools would help.