Select specific audio device and input channel


I’m a brand new user, so my apologies if this should be obvious. However, I felt I needed to point out that I have stumbled at the very first step – patching in one of my many audio inputs.

I noticed the ‘List Audio Devices’, but I am too new to know how to create a “select box” out of them. None of the list processing nodes seem to allow for it either, the closest I got to allows you to select by index. But how to choose that index?

The ‘Make Audio Input From Name’ doesn’t sound reasonable either – what is the format I am supposed abide by? An exact match to what I see in ‘Audio MIDI Setup’ ? But how do I specify the given input on the device?

Anyway, I’m sure there is some simple trick to all of this! Maybe a command line invocation to reveal the ID of the audio device?

Vuo looks like a great piece of software and I am excited to dive in. But not being able to seamlessly pick the audio input wasn’t something I had even thought to check before purchasing.

PS. I have mentioned this in feedback on a feature request, because that was one of the things that appeared relevant while searching. I searched for ‘audio device’ when posting this question and did not find any results. This being my first post, I hope I haven’t violated any terms of the community agreement.

It occurs to me to try re-formulating the composition as an effect instead of a generator.

Report on that approach soon.

Welcome, @botnotbot.

In the List Audio Devices output, the part in quotes is what you should enter (entire or part) into Make Audio Input from Name. You can also look up the names in the Audio MIDI Setup application (Window > Show Audio Window).

Make Audio Input from Name selects a device, then Receive Live Audio receives all its channels. To get the Nth channel from that, use Get Item from List.

I have mentioned this in feedback on a feature request, because that was one of the things that appeared relevant while searching.

No problem. The feature request is a good place to post about why you’d like to see it implemented (as you did), and here is a good place to ask questions.

Using the name as defined in Audio MIDI Setup has not worked for me yet (‘MOTU 828mk3 Hybrid’).

I did manage to learn my way around displaying a list. I’m not sure if this is the approach you meant for me to take. It only displays one element of the list at a time. Is there some other way to display the whole list at once?

I also notice that the output has a ‘< b r >’ HTML tag in it (shown with spaces here so as not to interact with your browser). Is there a module which renders HTML to a layer?

I have attached the composition, in case in comes in handy to someone else down the road. Here is a picture:

Anyway, it turns out that the name I need to use is ‘MOTU: MOTU 828mk3 Hybrid’. Thanks for your help!

Audio Interface Viewer.vuo (4.13 KB)

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Unfortunately still no luck with getting anything but the built in mic to work.

Here is a screenshot which shows the patching that I expect should work, based on your suggestions. I am unable to get either the name or the ID approaches to work.

Also, I am unable to connect the ‘Input Devices’ list to a ‘Cycle through List’ module. This means I had to manually bump the index until I found it, but even after discovering that the 828 is at index 5 (with an apparent ID still of #7) I still get the default mic input when doing ‘List Devices’ and 'Get Item from List", as below:

EDIT: After browsing around further, I think the issue with ‘Cycle through List’ was related to the fact that I copied the existing module instead of adding a new one.

Basic Vuo, which takes some getting used to: your comp won’t do anything without firing an event trigger at the beginning of a chain of nodes.

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Is there some other way to display the whole list at once?

Yes, using Process List. See the attached composition.

Is there a module which renders HTML to a layer?

Not yet. But you could skip the <br> by replacing the the Value -> Summary type converter with Get Audio Output Values and pick out just the name, as in the attached composition.

Audio Interface Viewer_2016-05-09.vuo (3.18 KB)

Thank you both! Not sure how I missed the ‘Get Audio Output Values’ node. Super deep program. My main patching experience thus far has been in Usine Hollyhock, so it’s quite helpful to have the obvious stuff pointed out. It’s clear that layers are a primary building block. Now that I see the pattern for displaying a list it feels painfully obvious that this would have been a solution.

Basic Vuo, which takes some getting used to: your comp won’t do anything without firing an event trigger at the beginning of a chain of nodes.

The thing that threw me, relative to this statement, is that the waveform displays fine in the window without any event firing. So the default audio interface and the waveform still worked. My intentions aren’t pedantic, but from an inexperienced user standpoint this feels like an edge case where this comp is doing something without an event trigger firing.

I should clarify.

The thing that threw me, relative to this statement, is that the waveform displays fine in the window without any event firing. So the default audio interface and the waveform still worked.

There has to be an event firing in order for the comp to run. The question here is, where is the event being generated. For example, in the Vuo example composition, “ShowLiveAudioWaveform.vuo”, the parentheses next to the round output port on the Receive Live Audio node means it’s a data + events trigger port. This is what’s generating the event that travels downstream to Make Waveform Image, allowing the comp to run.

Personally speaking, in practice I have found these concepts take time to learn. It’s all pretty well spelled out in the manual.

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The event obviously fixed everything, including the issue I was having with names.

Attached is a small sub-comp that I’ve created to make it easy to select a audio by name/channel or toggle default, in case it helps anyone who comes across this thread while searching about audio device configuration.

Thanks again for the help!

AudioChannelSelector.vuo (2.58 KB)