What makes Vuo 2.0 more comfortable to use?

Looking forward to the first 2.0 beta.

I like how you show images in the popovers! Will the images in the popover update for every frame? Could the popover be “pinned” so it stays open while you play with parameters in the patch?

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Looking forward to this, some really exciting changes and new features coming!

Hmm, new Logo… new T-shirts??? :)

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@lechbialek — yes, like other popovers, image popovers will show live updates, and you’ll be able to keep the popover open by clicking on it.

Who can be a beta tester? Anyone who’s ever bought Vuo.

if it’s easy to do, I’d appreciate an email announcement (to Vuo owners) when it (the beta) is available

@kingluma — I see you’re already subscribed to Vuo’s mailing list, so you should be receiving emails of blog posts like this one. We plan to make another blog post when the beta is available.