Play every frame

Addition of a “play every frame” to the play movie node.
This is to allow processing of frames without them being skipped to meet the movie frame rate.


Step Movie Frame advances through every frame. We’ve created a composition that can add an image effect to every movie frame and save it as an altered movie. (You’ll need to supply a correct movie URL.)

We’ve also created a new feature request, Apply image filter protocols to movies (rotoscopting), which would make the the process simpler and accommodate an audio track. I’ve opened it for community voting.

You could also show every frame using a modification of the attached composition. Do these two cases and the new feature request answer your request for adding a Play every frame option to Play Movie?

step-rotoscope.vuo (4.26 KB)

This seems intertwined with the frame rate discussion, that is, how to process each frame of a movie and at the end have another movie + audio track.
The Step Movie Frame doesn’t quite do it, doesn’t provide audio track addition.
The proposed feature request sounds promising if it results in the 1:1 frame correspondence irrespective of how quickly the input movie is playing and how quickly the filtering happens.
Question: What is the process for getting a quotation on a particular feature?

Is it this particular feature you would like implemented? Please send us an e-mail ( letting us know if it’s this feature or something else, and we’ll respond privately with a quote.

Not at the moment, just wondered what the procedure was.

Question: What is the process for getting a quotation on a particular feature?

I think it would be great if 1 & 2 dot complexity feature request prices where somehow directly accessible, perhaps by clicking a button, perhaps even with a “Buy Now” button.

We’re tabling this for now. We have the open feature request, Apply image filter protocols to movies (rotoscoping).