Recognise escaped characters in strings in the Replace Text and similar text processing nodes

I wanted remove all the return and newline chars (\r & `\n’) from text using the Replace Text node but I can’t.

When I condensed a list of texts items using the Summerize List node it puts a return between each item in the list, which is fine but it would be desirable to take the returns out on some context. Many other uses for being able to process and add/remove \r, \n & \t from text strings too.

Hi @useful_design.

One method to remove return is to hold “alt” key when you hit return in “text to find” field of Replace Text node.

To remove tabulation, and in general to remove every charachter, you can look for the output of a Make Text from ASCII node.

The image should be explicative.

Schermata 2022-04-28 alle 15.29.37.jpg



Ah, make text from ASCII — ingenious, Michele!

Shelving this feature request since it can be solved with existing nodes.