Growing Color Picker

Steps causing the bug to occur

I remember the 1.2 release note mentioned a resolved report by Martinus Magneson reporting the color picker would grow.
Sorry I’m reopening a new bug because I couldn’t find his bug mentioned by searching the site, this one can be merged with his one.

Still happens to me sometimes.
Here is a video below, it is happening on a Make Noise Image node.
Not isolated when it would and when it would not though. Unsure if if is depending on some nodes or not, will try to submit more info here when I notice some.
The node picker is big and the color pencils move down, each time lower.

Was wondering, in QC the picker opened quite small, In Vuo for me it always opens quite big (max screen height ?), even when not having the the pencils don’t diving bug.

PS : The file joined below ain’t a composition, just a screencast (the picker sizes to the max screen height).

Have you found a workaround?

Other notes

  • Vuo version: 1.2.1
  • macOS version: OS X 10.11
  • How severely does this bug affect you? Not much; I’m just letting you know about it.

Color Picker (2.3 MB)

I remember the 1.2 release note mentioned a resolved report by Martinus Magneson reporting the color picker would grow.

Yep, good memory. There’s no public bug report for that.

As it turns out, we’d only fixed it in some cases and not others. We actually just got fully fixed (hopefully!) in our dev code today. The underlying problem was a Cocoa bug, and we submitted a patch to Qt to work around it. To be included in the Vuo 1.2.2 release. (We are still working on some more bug fixes for 1.2.2, but it really is coming ;) )

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To be included in the Vuo 1.2.2 release. (We are still working on some more bug fixes for 1.2.2, but it really is coming ;) )

Cant’ wait, can’t wait ;) I’m like a child waiting for Santa ;)

Fixed in Vuo 1.2.2.