We’re delighted when we get to share Vuo with others, and a few days ago we got a chance to do just that.

Vuo developer Jaymie Strecker presented at the College of Wooster’s Mathematics and Computer Science Colloquium, a series of talks given by invited speakers throughout the year. Jaymie spoke to students and faculty about Vuo from a developer’s point of view. Jaymie explained how the Vuo compiler works, and how the evolving needs of multimedia artists have driven Vuo’s design.

Here’s the video:

2013.04.25 Vuo presentation at the College of Wooster on Vimeo.

During the presentation, students were able to see some of the computer science concepts they’re learning in class being applied in a real software project. One highlight was that Jaymie explained the algorithm behind the parallelizing compiler, which automatically turns a composition into a multithreaded native executable.

Jaymie graduated from the College of Wooster in 2004, went back to teach in 2009-2010, and her excitement to be back is evident in the video! With a nationally acclaimed Independent Study program and an active computer science internship program, the College of Wooster is always exploring new technologies. This fall, the computer science department will be offering a new course called Multimedia Computing.

Thanks to the College of Wooster for welcoming us to their Mathematics and Computer Science Colloquium, and for taking a progressive interest in multimedia composing.

— Travis