Version Files Release notes

This is a quick release to fix several issues with graphics rendering.

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Here’s our first public beta release. This is just the beginning!

We make frequent releases (typically every 2 weeks). So, if something’s wrong, or something’s missing that appears on the roadmap, don’t despair. We’re probably already working on it.

You may encounter bugs. If you do, please submit a bug report so we can fix it!

If you’re curious about where development is headed, please check out our roadmap. Our development is inspired and influenced by you, the Vuo Community. If you have specific feedback for how we could make Vuo better, please let us know.

If you’re looking for more information or have a question, feel free to ask the community a question.

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This release focuses on improving the Vuo Manual and SDK documentation. We added example projects so text programmers can easily create Vuo nodes and port types. We also improved port popovers, added a new example composition, and expanded the Blend Image and Render Scene to Window nodes.

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This release focuses on the developer tools provided with Vuo. It finalizes the API for running compositions, creating node classes and types, and displaying input editors. It provides an SDK with command-line tools for compiling, linking, rendering, and debugging Vuo compositions. It also adds a Blend Image node class and some new example compositions.

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This release focuses on making it easier to create compositions in the Vuo Editor. New features include: a drawer user interface for working with list input ports; an activity indicator to show when the composition is preparing to run, update, or stop; and input editors for boolean (true/false) and color input ports. The Vuo Editor no longer hangs when the user quits the composition or the composition crashes. In addition to the Vuo Editor improvements, this release adds a full-screen mode for composition graphics windows.

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