Version Files Release notes

Vuo 1.2.4 is a big update that adds many new features (including 16 requested by the community), fixes numerous bugs (including 24 reported by the community), and improves performance. It’s free for people who purchased Vuo 1.2. Highlights include:

  • New image effects: Sharpen Image, Scramble Image, Make Stained Glass Image, Make CMYK Halftone Image, Make Tileable Image, Split Image HSL Channels, Combine Image HSL Channels
  • New noise nodes and options: Make Spherical Noise Image; the choice of gradient noise, value noise, cellular noise, and dot noise; the choice of a rectangular or triangular grid; the choice of levels (octaves), roughness, and spacing for fractal noise
  • New blur nodes and options: Blur Image Radially, Blur Image Directionally; the choice of Gaussian, linear, box, and disc kernels; adjustable blur quality; and masked blurs
  • New layer layout nodes: Arrange Layers in Row, Arrange Layers in Column, Tile Layer
  • New scene nodes: Find 3D Objects, Copy 3D Object (TRS + Material), Quantize 3D Object, Tile 3D Object
  • New interface with NI mate: Filter Skeleton
  • New audio effects: Bit Crush Audio, Ring Modulate Audio
  • New list utilities: Comb List, Get Items from List, Get Item Ranges from List, Interleave Lists, Deinterleave Lists
  • New text utilities: Change Case, Insert Text, Find Text, Replace Text, Remove HTML
  • New math utilities: Calculate List, Crossfade, Change Speed
  • Enabled sending 32-bit integers and floats via OSC, for compatibility with other applications that receive those OSC data types.
  • Enabled specifying the timestamp for each video/audio frame in the Save to Movie node, for better control of the movie frame times and framerate.
  • Added support for higher color-depth (32bpc) images.
  • Added a section on subcompositions to the Vuo Manual.
  • Enabled Vuo.framework to be inserted into VDMX5 b8.6.0.6.

Vuo 1.2.4 drops support for Mac OS X 10.7. It runs on OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 through macOS Sierra 10.12.

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Vuo 1.2.3 fixes 12 community-reported issues and adds several new features. It’s free for people who purchased Vuo 1.2. Highlights include:

  • New Make Quad Layer node for perspective projection and affine warping
  • New Convert Real List to Audio node
  • New Save Data node
  • Added “Loop” port to Play Audio File and Decode Movie Image
  • Added “Anchor” port to Make Text Layer
  • Added input editors for Art-Net, audio, MIDI, video, and Syphon
  • Added support for HSL and CMY color channels when converting to/from DMX
  • Added support for Kinect models 1473 (second-generation Xbox 360) and 1517 (Kinect for Windows)
  • Added workaround for Leap Motion SDK bug where Z-axis tracking is choppy
  • Added workarounds for several Cocoa mouse-related bugs
  • Fixed issue where the “Open Composition” dialog didn’t show any results when using the Search widget

Read on for all the details.

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Vuo 1.2.2 is a big update that fixes 34 community-reported issues, adds several new features, and improves performance and stability. It’s free for people who purchased Vuo 1.2.0 or Vuo 1.2.1. Highlights include:

  • Improved stability when livecoding with subcompositions
  • Improved performance of many nodes, including Resize Image, Decode Movie Image, Fetch Image, Pixellate Image, Split Text, Split Text Stream
  • Added support for loading and saving more image formats, including WebP
  • Added several new nodes: Measure Length, and 5 new 3D/4D Point → Real type converters
  • Fixed many issues with image alpha blending
  • Fixed inability to broadcast OSC messages on some system configurations
  • Fixed reliability issues when livecoding with Build List and Process List
  • Added workarounds for many Mac OS X and GPU driver issues

Read on for all the details.

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Over the last month, we’ve been planning the upcoming Vuo 1.3 release, and we made a few improvements to Vuo 1.2:

  • In the Fetch RSS Items node, added support for parsing more data: (Thanks to @Eurotrash for requesting this.)
    • tags/categories
    • images inside the HTML <description> tag
    • CDATA titles/descriptions
  • In the Make Audio Wave node, added Set Phase port (and “Synchronize Oscillators” example composition) (Thanks to @alexmitchellmus for requesting this.)
  • Fixed a crash when updating Make Text Layer faster than the display refresh rate (Thanks to @MartinusMagneson for reporting this.)
  • Renamed the Calculate Elapsed Time node to Subtract Times (Thanks to @lov for suggesting this.)
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Vuo 1.2’s biggest new feature is subcompositions: the ability to turn a composition into a reusable node in your Node Library.

This release also makes all-around performance improvements, with large compositions taking less time to start up after you’ve hit the Run button and with complex graphics compositions running more smoothly. And this release adds numerous new nodes, including nodes for beat detection, OSC sending, USB HID, and dates/times.

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